graph LR
0{"What is Distributed Storage"}-->1["What is Ethereum"]
0{"What is Distributed Storage"}-->2["What is a Blockchain Explorer"]
0{"What is Distributed Storage"}-->3["How a Transaction Works"]
0{"What is Distributed Storage"}-->4["What are Smart Contracts"]
0{"What is Distributed Storage"}-->5["What is a Consensus Mechanism"]
click 1 "../What_is_Ethereum" "What is Ethereum"
click 2 "../What_is_a_Blockchain_Explorer" "What is a Blockchain Explorer"
click 3 "../How_a_Transaction_Works" "How a Transaction Works"
click 4 "../What_are_Smart_Contracts" "What are Smart Contracts"
click 5 "../What_is_a_Consensus_Mechanism" "What is a Consensus Mechanism"
Distributed storage is a term used in the cryptocurrency world to describe a storage solution that is not centralized. This means that the data is not stored on a single server or location but is instead spread out across a number of different servers. This makes it more difficult for someone to hack into the system and steal the data.
- Look into Torrenting and how it works.
- Optional: Torrent something. Watch how as you connect to the network you discover more peers. Watch how the file comes in one little section at a time. (not recommending you download anything illegal maybe just grab a copy of Ubuntu)
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